The ministries of Holy Nativity touch the hearts of each and every parishioner and visitor that walk through our doors. There are many opportunities to become part of our church life here and participate in one of these groups. We encourage you to prayerfully consider sharing your God-given talent and become a lay ministry leader. If you have any questions please call the church office.
Fellowship and Food
Supper Club: Twice a year a supper club mixer is held and everyone is placed in a supper club group. Your group will meet once a month at a person’s home or at a restaurant. This is a great way to meet new people and find out more about your fellow parishioners.
Book Club: Once a month the church’s Book Club meets at Panera Bread for dinner and then they move to the Parish House/Office where they discussed the selected book of the month.
Annual Meeting: An annual celebration of the parish held each January.
Wednesday Night Programs: Every Wednesday from Sept. to May we have our five-thirty Casual Eucharist followed by supper and activities are adults, children, and youth.
SummerTime: During the summer months on Wednesday nights we plan a more parishioner led event with Evening prayer and supper (planned menu with the food brought by everyone).
Shell Island Sunday: Once a year in the summer we worship on Shell Island! Everyone comes on their boat or rides the ferry. We enjoy Eucharist, a picnic, and time together in outdoors and the water.
Play Group: Join this group of young parents and their babies and toddlers as they have a play day at the church.
The Celebration Committee: These ladies organize special receptions for example, wedding and baby showers.
Finance Committee: Quarterly meeting reviewing financial statements of the Church.
Convention Delegate: for Annual Diocesan Convention.
Vestry: the governing/advisory board of the parish.
Tablecloths Ministry: to take home cloth tablecloths for cleaning and return.
Archives Committee: Organizes and keeps Holy Nativity’s history.
Newcomers Ministry: This ministry helps to welcome all visitors and new members every Sunday morning and with followup. Different areas are listed below.
***Welcome Table: Every Sunday volunteers are in-charge of the welcome table. It is supplied with information for both visitors and members.
***Newcomer’s Social: Socials are planned throughout the year to welcome our new members to Holy Nativity and this gives them a chance to meet us and learn about their new church home.
Chancel Choir: The adult choir currently sings at the 10:30 am service and at special services during the year. Rehearsal is on Thursday nights at 6:30 pm.
Rite One Choir: This adult choir currently sings at the 8:00 am service and at special services during the year. Rehearsals are on Thursday nights at 5:30 pm.
Children’s Choir: The children’s choir sings often on Sunday mornings at the 10:30 service and at other special occasions.
Instrumentalists: to assist in our musical offerings during the year.
Organ Guild: to assist and be apart of a committee that maintains our organ.
Acolytes: Acolytes are youth and adults that assist in worship by carrying torches and the cross while processing, recessing, and during the reading of the Holy Gospel. They assist during in the offertory and with Eucharist. This is an important ministry that is needed during our time of worship.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers/Chalice Bearers: Chalice Bearers are licensed by the Bishop, and they assist the Priest during worship by helping with different parts of the service including serving communion. They are also trained as Lay Eucharistic Ministers where they can provide communion to the homebound and sick that are unable to attend a worship service.
Lectors: Lectors are parishioners who are scheduled to read the First Lesson at the 10:30 am service.
Greeters: Greeters are parishioners who are scheduled to assist the ushers at both worship services to welcome everyone and introduce newcomers and visitors to the Priest.
Ushers: Ushers are parishioners who are scheduled to assist in the worship services by taking attendance, passing around the offering plates, & guiding the congregation during communion.
Altar Guild: The Altar Guild is responsible for setting up the Altar area for any service in the church, including decoration for church holidays and putting out our bulletins.
Nursery: The nursery is open on Sundays 7:45 am to 12:00 noon and during other events and meetings that are scheduled. We have a preschool, toddler, and infant area..
Children’s Chapel: The children through 5th grade have their own chapel service during the 10:30 am worship service on Sunday mornings where they can listen and learn in their own way. They begin worship with their parents in the Nave and recess out after the children’s story. They return during the announcement time of the service.
Flower Guild: A new ministry providing flowers for services and parish events.
Pastoral Care
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: They are licensed by the bishop the same as Chalice Bearers. They are trained to provide Communion to people who are unable to attend a worship service due to illness or who is homebound.
Feed My Sheep: Meals are made by the ladies of the church and are delivered to the sick, people recovering from illness, families with new babies, and when there is a death in the family.
Mary-Martha Circle of The Episcopal Community: The Episcopal Community was formed in Feb. 2010 by women from around the country to share their spiritual journeys and mutually encourage each others faith.
The Order of Daughters of the King: This lay order is open to all baptized Anglican women who take vows of Daily Prayer and Service. The DOK meet once a month to serve our local parish and to pray for the spread of god’s Kingdom, our pastors, the needs of our church, it’s parishioners, and their loved ones.
Cursillo: A diocesan three-day “renewal retreat” of learning, worship and formation.
Service or Missions and Outreach
See our Missions and Outreach tab at the top for a list of all our missions and outreach ministries.
Education Ministries for Adults, Youth, and Children
In any of Holy Nativity’s Christian Education settings there are many opportunities to share your God Given gifts. Listed below is a list of some of the offerings for our Ministry of Education.
Sunday School, Wonderful Wednesday program, Special Events and trips, Cursillo, Happening, and other Diocesan events, Home Groups, Library, Communion Classes, Confirmation Classes, Adult Bible Study, Nursery and Children’s Chapel
Please click on the Education tab for more information on our education offerings for all ages.