Holy Nativity Episcopal Church Children’s Choir is open to all children ages 4-14. No prior musical training is required, and all that is needed is a willingness to learn and a commitment to attending regular rehearsals. Members come from various schools throughout the city.
What is Children’s Choir and what do they do?
Children’s Choir is a very special children’s musical ministry at Holy Nativity Church. Each week during the school year, they rehearse for a half hour every other week and learn music to sing throughout the year for Sunday worship services and other special events. Rehearsals begin with a time for devotion and prayer and all are filled with fun and fellowship while making music together.
When do they rehearse?
Alternating with children’s church, rehearsals are held every other week during the Sunday 10:30AM service.
When do they sing?
The Children’s Choir usually sings four or five times during the year on Sunday mornings during the 10:30 Eucharist service. One of the highlights of the year is always the annual Children’s Christmas Pageant, traditionally held during the afternoon service on Christmas Eve. The Children’s Choir plays a very important role in the pageant and sings throughout the entire service. Each spring they sing on Palm Sunday, leading the procession of palms into the church.
Where are rehearsals?
All rehearsals are held at Holy Nativity Episcopal Church located at 222 North Bonita Avenue, Panama City, FL.
Why is Children’s Choir important and why should your child join?
Children’s Choir is an opportunity for children to grow musically and spiritually and to be able to give back to their church with their time and talents. Children’s Choir offers one of the first places where a child can participate in the worship service.
How do I join?
Come to a rehearsal during church! If you haven’t already done so, please complete a registration form and return it to the church. If you need a registration form, please contact Leigh Gladden, Director, at